Monday, October 1, 2007


Zach has been real antsy lately wondering when we'll get our 171h. For some reason I keep thinking it has been only a month, but on Wednesday it will have been two months since we got fingerprinted. I bet God did that on purpose so it doesn't seem so L-O-N-G! Funny. Anyway, you can never find who to contact regarding it all. Zach emailed them and is hoping to hear back within two days. In the mean time I emailed our social worker, Jennifer, who did our homestudy and asked her if she knew how long they were taking. Here is her response:

Hey, Jamie! I actually spoke with someone at CIS on Friday. They were doing something with your case (I'm not sure what). They had the addendum and were trying to match it with your home study. She was supposed to let me know by today if she could not locate your home study and I haven't heard from her. So, at least you know they are working on you.I will let you know if I hear anything else.
So I am praying that our homestudy did not get lost and that they're simply working on our approval and I'm believing we will get it soon!


Angel at Aduladi' said...

We are praying for you and your child in Liberia!

Risa said...

If they lost it does that mean that you have to have it done all over again and pay for it again? Isn't there some way that you could get a copy or something?