Friday, March 21, 2008

Waiting, Waiting and Water

That's all it seems to be lately. Good thing I have this move that occupies most of my thoughts, and my 3 children! But I'm curious what the new changes to adoptions in Liberia will be. I just want answers. And I want this adoption to move forward. I feel like we've been stuck in a rut for awhile now and we need to move forward here.

I haven't been around much in adoption land, including my adoption groups. If you read this blog please check out Brandi's on my sidebar. She is partnering up with an organization called Spirit Liberia (can get to it from her site, I'm so tired I don't want to be searching for it right now) to bring clean water and wells to Liberia. They're almost there on the Rock Hill well. You can read about Rock Hill at her site as well as some of the other people listed on the side. It is a sad, sad situation. Being pregnant, lately I am addicted to water. Since 5 pm I think I've drank about 6 glasses of pure, clean, cold water. I never drink this much water! But I could not imagine not having this blessing. Please, if you can, contribute to help Liberians (and then other African countries) obtain clean water.


Brandi said...

Oh thank you sweet friend!

We only have $135 left to go!

Love you,

Jeremy and Kamina Johnson said...

I hear ya on wanting to know what is going on over there. Our house is MUCH quieter than we thought it would be right now. We've been at this adoption for over a year now. Hang in there sweety. We are in the same boat and can support each other.

alice said...


Sorry it took me so long to reply things are always hectic here. Yes, some of the pictures were from Dixville. In Nov 06, two of our kids spent time there and that is really what got our adoption journey going. We visited there so that Hannah, our daughter, could reconnect with some of the kids and locate others. Have you been to Dixville?