Thursday, June 26, 2008


I know I haven't updated this blog in a really long time. There's pretty much nothing to update about, which is really sad. It seems our whole adoption has fallen off the face of the earth or something. We haven't heard a word from our agency regarding anything since probably early March. Everything I know is through the different email groups I'm on or through various blogs. It is very frustrating to say the least. Our fingerprints expire in Oct. or Nov.

But, the big news is that Zach feels we should no longer go through with the adoption at this time. I tell you that that just breaks my heart and kills me. I still picture a little African girl that belongs in our family. First of all, our money from the sale of our house last summer which we intended to use for the adoption will have to go toward purchasing a new home. This would not be the case had we moved where there was a military base and base housing. But the Lord had plans to move us to Iowa where it was rent or buy. So, the funds we had for the adoption have to be used elsewhere. At first I was so against it but there'd be no way we'd be able to live otherwise.

Secondly, we have been busy with the whole move. And I think Zach feels that right now we're blessed with a baby who will be here sometime in September that we really don't need to pursue adoption at this time. I know with the busy-ness of moving and being pregnant has really taken over my life, but my heart still goes out to the orphans and I still feel the Lord has something in store for us. Why would we have begun this process if only to end this way? I'm not sure. I know that I'm still praying the Lord opens the doors for us to adopt. As I've stated before its been something I've always desired to do and I believe the Lord isn't through with us in this area yet.

So that's the news on the adoption front.